Anapha Yoga Benefits


  1. The Anapha Yoga caused by Mars is excellent- the native becomes aggressive, with business talent, with beautiful body and highly skilled. There is another Prosperity Yoga called Vasumath Yoga. Vasu in Sanskrit means prosperity. Vasumath Yoga results when the Upachayas, that is 3,6,10 & 11 Houses are tenanted by benefics.
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  3. In a person’s Rashi if there is a presence of Sunapha Yoga, it will result in earning huge financial gain, wealth and prosperity in his life. The person will be intelligent; his intellectual skills will be much appreciated and get him lots of fame.
  4. Thanks for asking! These yogas are very less talked about and used in native astrology, now a days. But they are very important and results influencing yogas. Anapha Yoga is constructed whenever there is a planet or planets in 12th bhava from Moon.

Sunapha Yoga

When the second house from moon sign is occupied by a planet other than the sun the Sunapha yoga arises. This yoga bestows upon the native status, huge wealth, and capacity to earn his fortune, religious inclination, virtuous pursuits, and quiet nature.

The exact nature of this yoga will depend upon the nature of the planet or planets causing this yoga. Several varieties of this yoga thus arise depending upon which planet occupies the second house from the moon, and whether it is a single occupant or has other associates.

Astro-Vision’s LifeSign ME Standard – A Professional Horoscope and Remedies app, To find out the specific combinations in the birth chart causing the yogas and tells about their influence in life.

Yoga asanas help in bringing the mind, body, and soul into a meditative state which in turn offer overall harmony and contentment to a person. Yoga alleviates a number of health-related problems. Nowadays, living in the hustle and bustle of a city, it is a necessity for a person to realise the significance of yoga in human life.

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In a person’s Rashi if there is a presence of Sunapha Yoga, it will result in earning huge financial gain, wealth and prosperity in his life. The person will be intelligent; his intellectual skills will be much appreciated and get him lots of fame. The native of this yoga will lead a life of a Ruler or King or somebody equivalent to that post like a commander.

When planet mercury is made with Sunapha yoga, that person will be holy. He will possess skills in Vedas and Music. This kind of person is inclined to poetry. He will also have a pleasing personality and good looks; people will adore him for his skills. If planet Jupiter makes Sunabha yoga, that person is likely to be a teacher of Science.

Anapha Yoga Benefits Meaning

If the benefic planets position themselves in the second house, the effect of Sunapha yoga is said to be stronger on its native. In case, there is one or more than one malefic planet sitting in the second house from the Moon; the impact may be less or get neutralized.

Author: JayaShree

Anapha Yoga Benefits Exercise

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