Hard Corps Uprising Dlc Ps3

  1. Hard Corps Uprising Dlc Ps3 Cheats
  2. Hard Corps Uprising Ps3 Download
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ

Hard Corps Uprising Dlc Ps3 Cheats

  • Konami furnishes us with their side-scrolling blaster, Hard Corps: Uprising and a few nuggets of day one DLC to expand your character roster. We’ve also got demos of the excellent Marvel Pinball and WWE AllStars for you guys to try before you buy.
  • It's Contra in all but name. That's what IGN asserts about Hard Corps: Uprising, a new PSN and XBLA run-and-gun expected for release this year. Despite the fact that the side-scrolling shooting.

Hard Corps Uprising is a 2D side scroller from Konami, the makers of Contra. It is extremely similar in game play with vamped up abilities and graphics. The bosses are more complex and the stages are more difficult. There are two modes: Rising and Arcade. Rising mode offers the ability to upgrade your character by obtaining CP (Corp points). Thrilling retro run-and-gun action is back with a vengeance in Hard Corps: Uprising, a new 2D side scroller developed by ARC System Works that pays homage to classic Konami action series. Play as the soldier Bahamut as he begins to write his legend. PlayStation Network (PS3) Developed by Arc System Works, Hard Corps: Uprising is the spiritual sequel to Contra: Hard Corps available as a downloadable game on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

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Uprising R (30 lives) in Customization shop

At the 'Press Start' screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, L3, R3 to unlock the Uprising R (30 lives) in the Customization shop.

Hard Corps Uprising Ps3 Download

Extra life

While playing a game in Multiplayer mode, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, X after you lose your final life and your partner is still alive. You will resume with one last life in Arcade mode or two more lives in Rising mode.

Contra music

At the Level 1 loading screen (and before it ends), press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, X to change the background music to a remix of the first level from Contra. If you entered the code correctly, the comment 'Let's rock!' will be spoken.

Ps330 lives

Successfully complete the game to be able to purchase 30 lives at the upgrade shop for 53 million CP.

Extra life locations Infinite CP in Level 2

Get a plasma gun (H), and save it until the second mini-Boss. Go to the right side, charge the plasma gun, then crouch and fire towards the alligators, and kill all of them. While doing this, shoot the gun horizontally at all bombs that the helicopter drops to increase your combo. Fire vertically when a bomb falls overhead, but do not shoot the helicopter. You can build a 60 combo and get approximately 50 million CP before the combo meter stops. When you start earning negative points, intentionally die, restart the level, and repeat the process.

System: Xbox 360
Dev: Arc System Works
Pub: Konami
Release: February 16, 2011
Players: 1-2
Screen Resolution: 480p-1080p

Don't think these changes make the game anything approaching 'accessible,' though. The new abilities to double jump and dash are merely an excuse for the developers to make the stages tougher, and the levels are long and hard enough that it takes tons of practice to get through them, even one at a time and with a health bar. We wouldn't have minded an infinite continues option. Even the comparatively easy first stage took us several tries (and many, many curse words directed at the too-infrequent checkpoints) to conquer; the eight total stages can easily average more than an hour of work apiece, all considered. We frankly can't even imagine how someone could get through the game in Arcade mode, with one hit per life, starting all the way from the beginning whenever their continues ran out.

The graphics are a departure for the series, shunning the somewhat gritty look of the older games in favor of a colorful 2.5-D world, which isn't surprising given that Arc is the developer that brought us BlazBlue. The visual style is certainly interesting, but we found it a little too light and cartoonish for an action title. We'd have preferred something truer to the series' history.

The sound, unfortunately, is a low point for the game. For music, there are rock versions of classic Contra tunes, but the recordings sound overly hyper and synthetic, as though they were recorded for a corporate-training video or Saturday-morning cartoon in the 1990s. The voice acting is annoying, with repetitive groans whenever an enemy dies and overused dialogue clips.

All in all, because of the difficulty, we suggest that those uninitiated to Contra stay away from Uprising unless they're really up for a challenge. Despite the improvements, many aspects of the gameplay are still antiquated, and without a soft spot for Contra in your heart to keep you going, there's little chance you'll see this tough-as-nails title through to the end. Try Weapon of Choice instead for a far more bearable, if also shorter, side-scrolling action experience.

However, Hard Corps: Uprising is a love letter to Contra fans, a distillation of everything they love about the series augmented by some control and visual updates. If you have a history with the franchise, a hankering for explosive 2D action, and a whole lot of patience, it's a great buy for your $15.

By Robert VerBruggen
CCC Freelance Writer

The art style is interesting, but it's a little too cartoonish for Contra.
They're true to the series' roots, but we would have liked to see a dual-joystick option.
Music / Sound FX / Voice Acting
The music is cheesy, and the dialog clips are annoying and repetitive.
Play Value
Thanks to the intense challenge, the eight stages take hours to work through.
Overall Rating - Good
Not an average. See Rating legend below for a final score breakdown.
Review Rating Legend
0.1 - 1.9 = Avoid2.5 - 2.9 = Average3.5 - 3.9 = Good4.5 - 4.9 = Must Buy
2.0 - 2.4 = Poor3.0 - 3.4 = Fair4.0 - 4.4 = Great5.0 = The Best

Game Features:

  • Exciting run-and-gun gameplay with beautifully rendered 2.5-D graphics from Arc System Works.
  • Arcade mode features 2D run-and-gun gameplay that stays true to the genre's hardcore roots.
  • All new Rising mode allows players to train and level their soldier and purchase power-up items.
  • Classic and all-new boss battles to challenge and thrill.
  • Cooperate with gamers all over the world in Online Co-Op mode and compete via online leaderboards.