Narayana Naga Bali

  1. Narayana Naga Bali Pooja Benefits
  2. Narayana Naga Bali Pooja
NARAYAN NAGBALI Both these formalities are performed with a desire of fulfillment of certain wishes. Hence they are known as Kamya.
1. To get issues.
2. To remove the troubles from Ghosts.
3. If any member of the family is dead to any mishap ( accident, suicide, sinking in water etc. ) and his family is troubled because of him, these formalities are done to get rid of this trouble.
4. To remove the trouble from Ghosts, black magic etc. (1) FOR GETTING ISSUE :- If anyone has no issue, especially son, it was treated as misfortune.
People used to avoid seeing the face such person early in the morning. far this feeling was seen in the public It is a strong desire of ever married couple to get at least one male bat The family life remains incomplete without any issue. Love for kids and affection is the natural feelings, these feelings are not fulfilled, then man feels more unhappy than pover t or economic backwardness. Now modern era, the means of 'Test tube baby' are available. Even though the couple does not afford, they get the necessary treatment, sometimes even by getting money on loan. But when they do not get any positive response of all modern treatment, they turn the astrologers in frustration.
The astrologers can only analyze the reasons of failure of all medical treatments. After carefully examining the sex organs of both, if it is found that there is no fault in anybody and still there is no chance of issue, astrologers can only reply this question. Always when there is deceased, there must be some remedy also. Keeping in mind this rule, our ancestors had mentioned the remedies in the science of Astrology to overcome this problem. First they find out from birth chart of both of them whether there is any possibility of getting issue or not. If yes, then they try to find out the exact reason of not getting the essues out of certain
reasons like curse of previous birth curse from Pitars, Yoga discontinuance of the race, etc. When they come to exact conclusion, the they find out the remedy to cure the problem if possible. Out of the remedies, the remedy of Narayan Nagbali is recommended and if this formality is properly fulfilled, there i a sure chance of getting an issue especially the male baby. This is out past experience. Hence it is essential to study the birth charts of both husband and wife. Then a media check up both of them should be made from Expert Doctor. Simultaneous!' with the medical treatment if the support of Narayan Nagbali is properly given, surely that couple will get an issue.
• Death before marriage
• Death by sinking in water,
• Death due to attack by dangerous animal, • Small child killed by somebody,
• Death due to burning fire, suicide by poisoning,
• Death due electrical shock,
• Death due to food stuck up in the throat while eating,
• Death due to excessive consumption of food or liqueur,
• Death in foreign country,
• Death during period of panchak, Tripad or Dakshinayan,
after the death by any of above reasons,if there is nobody of his own who can offer him pind. Death due to such wrong reason and at wrong age is called as Durmaran in indian language.the person died due to such reasons create problems or troubles for the entire family after their death.
If a man or woman sees the following scenes in his or her dream, it indicates the curse of somebody either in last birth or current birth.
Following are the examples of such type of indicative dreams.
- To see cobra in dream or to see killing a cobra in dream or to see a cobra dead in pieces.
- To see water in tank or river or sea.
- To see ourselves sinking in water or trying to come out of the water.
- To see quarrel in the dream.
- To see building getting smashed.
- To see a widow or any decease relative.
- To see a woman, whose childrens are not living long,taking with her dead child and she feels that the child is alive or somebody pulling her child from her etc.
In order to get rid of above type of dreams the formality of Naraya Nagbali is recommended. The procedure of Narayan Nagbali explained in the famous religious book known as 'Dharmasindhu' 'Dharmanirnay'.
It has been stated in medical science that physical unfitness and due to that problems and tentions are always occurring in human life. To get rid from these tensions and problems Lord Shiva and Vishnu are being prayed. In the same manner the Narayan Nagbali vidhi is to be performed is stated in medical science. Ayurveda or one of the four Ved which deals with medical sciences having thoughts of Jivatma i.e. a living soul. Ayurveda is a sub part of Atharvaved. In Ayurveda a decease, reason for decease, health and source of decease has been discussed. Ayurveda has studied various methods of Etiology. One of the method is called as 'Karmaj. This method has been included in 'Ashtang Ayurveda'.
This has been crystal clear from the above said verse that if there i etiology of decease and a suitabl treatment that has been given but sti a decease is not getting cured the this type of decease is called a 'Karmaj'. A proper etiology, medical treatment should be supported with strong divine power. If all thi combine then a decease will surely ge cured. Anger of Lord Shiva is the source of decease's like fever. To get rid from this decease worship of Lord Shiva is suggested in medical science i.e. sin from a human being is the source of its own.these type of decease's are not getting cured and exists forever till the sins which are the source of decease got cleaned. A decease which is the product of sin is may be due to killing of a Brahmin i.e. Bramha-hatya, killing of a women i.e. Stri-hatya, a stolen asset or from the funds who belongs to others. These all sins will be cured only by the divine power or through the worship of Gods. This has been mentioned in 'Sushruf' grantha i.e. holy book that, to get rid of mental decease's Lord Shiva with his army specially called as 'Gana' is to be prayed. This is the main part of Narayan Nagbali vidhi. Bhagwan dhanvantari who is also God of medical science is mentioned.
This Narayan Nagbali vidhi may be performed about any person, from any cast. A person whose parents are alive can also perform vidhi. A bachelor who is from Brahmin cast and having Janava (Sacrificial thread) can also perform this vidhi This vidhi is to be performed by a couple for getting an issue. The person who is unmarried or widower can also perform this vidhi. If some ones wife is pregnant then up to 5th month this vidhi can be performed. If there is a wedding or ceremony of issuing a sacrificial thread is happened then after one year of this ceremony this vidhi of Narayan Nagbali may be performed.
If a 'Narayan Nagbali vidhi' is performed at the best suitable day for that vidhi which is available through the table of ephemeris, then the desired results of vidhi will the available very soon.
This Narayan-Nagbali vidhi is not performed in 'Shukrd' i.e. plane Venus is having 'Asta' or in the month of 'Pousha' and 'Magha'. But 'Nirnay Sindhu' has given a separate opinion. As per 'Nirnay-sindhu', if we only avoid certain asterism then at any day this Narayan-Nagbali vidhi can be performed. For this vidhi' Dhanishtha Panchak and ' Tripad' asterism is to be avoided i.e. vidhi can not be started at above said asterism's day, the last two parts of 'Dhanishtha', 'Shat-Tarakd and 'poorva- Badrapada', ' Uttar- Bhadrapadd and 'Revati' Asterism are called as 'Dhanishtha Panchak'. Krittika, Punarvasu, Uffara, Vishakha, Uffarashadha and poorva-Bhadrapada, these six asterisms are called as ' Tripad. If Narayan-Nagbali vidhi is to be performed for getting issue then best day for it is of ' Shravan' asterism. The 'Panchami' and 'Ekadashi' are also better days. Also Hasta, Pooshya, Ashlesha, Mrigshirsha, Ardra, Swami and Mula asterism day is good. Also Sunday, Monday and Thursday are better days to start vidhi.
If some one is only willing to perform 'Nagbali' then he should start at 'Ashlesha' asterism's Navami Panchami, pournima or amavasya.
The Process of Narayan Nagbali Puja
THE FIRST DAY of Narayana Nag bali Puja : -Before starting ' vidhi' one must get in 'Tirtharaj Kushawarta'. If his father is living in haven that is depa from our world then he should get all hairs of head trimmed i.e. cleaned holy words and got bath in ' Tirth. A getting all hairs of head cleaned he will clean his mouth 12 times with the water of ' Tirtharaj Kushawarta'. To get the body cleaned from in & outside ' Deha-Shuddhi is to be performed. for this process ash,feces of cow,earth soil is used.The couple who is going to perform this ' vidhi' should get 'deha-Shuddhi' first & after that they should wear new cloths & should get blessings from older persons, relatives of the family & also blessing from 'Guruji'. After that get the ' kalash i.e. bowl of copper filled with holy water of 'Kushawart. Then go to 'Lord Trimbakeshward' temple with this 'kalash. Also Carry all the instruments which are required for 'vidhi', get blessing from lord trimbakeshwara & tell him why you are going to perform this 'vidhi', also kindly request lord trimbakeshwar to bless so that the 'vidhi' will get fruitful. Get exit from 'lord trimbakeshwar' temple from east door. Then go to the place, where ' Naravan Nagbali' is performed.The 800 square fits building at the East Side of lord trimbakeshwar temple is called as 'Dharmashala'. In this building there is a ki cum store room at the north corner room is used to store material for vidhi. Also there is a water tank near it. Coalition point of river 'Godavari' river 'Ahilya' is called as Sangam. Trimbakeshwara lives with lord Nan at this Sangam place. Also the 'sati-S is there. This place is called as ' Smashari' i.e. a big crematorium. Narayan Nagbali vidhi is performed at this u place only. This vidhi is started by doing 'Netra- Aachamari'. Then the holy ring which is also called as 'Pavitra' is to be wear by the male who is performing the vidhi.then to get body cleaned from inside a vidhi called 'Rudra-Sharaddhd is performed. Guruji speaks Sanskrit holy words in this vidhi, meaning of these Sanskrit words is as below, ' If in the current or previous life me or any one from my family has stolen someone's wealth, bue to which if that person or any one from his family has become a ghost i.e. has not got a peaceful life after his death and if due to that, I or any one from my family is facing problems then O lord, please offer that soul a way towards peace i.e. 'Moksha' or 'Sadgati'. Also if someone from my family is having 'durmaran' i.e. an unnatural death then also please offer him 'Sadgati'.I am going through his vidhi by keeping this desire.
After completion of the Narayan-Nagbali vidhi is started, statue of lord Brahma, Vishnu, RL Yama, Prefaare installed on five different kalasha. The installation is performed i holy words. In the sake of the main Go vidhi 16 round balls of rice flour called 'Pindd' are presented to Agni i.e. holy 1 This fire is also called as 'Homa'. A-completion of Agnividhi Homa is comple- Then ' Vishnu-Shraddhd and in sake of above said 5 Gods pind-dan performed. At the time of this process lady from this couple should sit apart Vishnu-Shraddha 10 and in the sake above said 5 Gods 15 pind are present Bach and every pind is to be presented the person who is performing the vidhi This is the rule, but it is to be not a compulsion. Last 5 pind are to be provided to each God. After that a heap of rice is kept on round leaves of Butea Frondosa tree, then a flame of cotton is inflamed on this rice heap. This process is called as 'Bali-dan'. This Balidan is performed in view to get Sadgati. The couple performing Narayan-Nagbali should pray this bali and kindly request to God that our all wishes and desires should came true and my family should live in peace and prosperity. Then this bali is kept aside Dharmashala. This bali should get touch by crow is very important. The lady from the couple should go up to the door of Dharmashala with a glass filled of water. If the bali is touched by crow then it is recognize that the soul which is not getting way towards peace is wish to go that position. If the crow does not touches to bali then kindly commit Lord Trimbakeshwar that I will perform 11 or 21 holy revolve around the temple and then salute the bali It has been experienced that the salutation and commitment to God will bring the crow near to bali and he touches it. This completes the Bali-dan process. .'; After that 'Puttal Vidhari' or 'Parnashar'1 is performed. In this process statue like a body of human being i created by using coconut and wheat flour It has been assumed that the soul which i not getting a way towards peace is living i this statue. The statue is named a Narayana and the last offices of thi statue cum soul is done. This process is also called as 'Palash Vidhi' or 'Parnashar'. The person who is performing the vidhi and his wife both sit against this statue. Both kindly request to the God to offer peace to this soul. Then the statue is worshiped and a religious merit of one holy revolve of Bramhgiri is offered to the soul and the soul is kindly requested to go in the way of peace. By getting the filling that the soul is gone in the way of peace. 5 pind are presented to the statue of dead body. Then the lady from the couple should salute the statue and stand apart from the place. The male should go to the crematorium with this statue. The legs of statue are pointed towards North then a stone is kept near the statue and this stone is called as 'Ashma'. Then cremation ceremony of that statue is done and the statue is cremated. Then a person get c earthen broad jar filled with water an performs three anti revolves around the burning statue. The earthen jar is kept on left shoulder and after revolves the earthen jar is broken with the help of Ashma. Then that ashma is carried the Dharmashala. In Dharmasha/a sesame and water is presented to ashma. This process is called as ' Tiianjail'. After that a process named as 'Avayava Shraddhd* is performed and 10 No. Of pind are presented. Also 8 No. Of pind are presented in the sake of ' Visham Shraddha'. All these pind are then kept aside. By completing this process we also complete the ten days vidhi like the vidhi pind and other material, which is used, and also the material which is remained in the days vidhi is then offered to river Ganga. After that the couple should go to Kushavartha and get bathe. Then go to the living place and change the wet clothes. Keep these clothes for drying and after complete drying these are to be used in next day. After the first day one period of mourning is cherished. SECOND DAY : - In the first of vidhi the place where the cremation of statue is performed is having the ashes of that statue. These ashes are to be collected & presented to river Ganga. The cremation place is cleaned with milk, feces of cow, curd. Then the male should go to kushavarta & get bath.
After that the period of mourning of first day ends. After getting bathe in Kushawarta again the clothes which has been used 1 the first day are to be wear & go to Lord Trimbakeshwara temple for salutation After that both should go to Dharmash where second day vidhi is to be performed At the start of day' second 'Netra- Aachmana' is performed & after that holy ring called 'Pavitra' is wear by male This starts 11th day vidhi of someone death. The shraddha, which is perform at 11th day, is called 'Agnamahikodista Shraddha'. By doing commitment this shraddha, Agni or holy fire is inflamed. The West-North corner is prayed & then dal ,rice,vegetables are presented to agni.The all above said iotems is mixed & then divided in eight different parts and then are presented to Agni. For twelve months of a year sixteen no of shraddha are to be performed. The shraddha is performed by the use of Pinda which are made of wheat flour. The person who is performing vidhi is sit by keeping his face towards south and then Pinda-dan is performed. Starting month, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th & last i.e. 16 pind are presented. This shraddha is performed right for performing 'Sapindi'. All these pind are then presented in river Ganga. After that 'sapindi shraddha is performed. As the soul who is giving problems is unknown so his manes are named as Brahma, Vishnu & Rudra.. By naming like this, shraddha is performed. A knot a provided by keeping two sticks on leaves of butea frondosa tree. This combination is assumed as Brahmin. The person who is performing the shraddha is sit in front of East. The ' Netra-Aachaman’' & wearing of 'pavitra' is done. After that commitment for 'Sapindi' shraddha is done. Three leaves of butea frondosa tree are kept in front. The leave kept in front of east is for God, the leave kept in front of south is for Preta, second leave of same south is for manes i.e. Brahma, Vishnu & Rudra which are named earlier. These all three leaves are worshiped. Bowl made from leaves of butea frondosa tree kept in front of Preta Water is filled in this bowl. This bowl is called as 'Aharyapatra'.The water from this bowls is callected in the bowl,which is in front of Preta.This process is called as ' Aharya-Sanyojan' Then sit in direction of South-East. Two sticks called 'Darbha1 are kept in front of him. Three pind are presented on first stick and a single pina of ellipse shape is presented on 2nd stick. After worshiping the pind by touching the Stick, is said. This ellipse pind is divided in three parts. The 1st part is mixed with the 1st pind of 1st stick and a single pind is created. The same procedure is repeated for next two parts. This process is called as ' Pind-Sanyojan' The holy words, which are said while 'Pind-Sanyojan', are very pretty & serious. When we complete this shraddha then the soul starts to the way of peace. He get released from Pretyoni. If any person is having Ghost-byte then speaks very loudly at this moment & by getting the central pind the soul gets peace Kushavarta Tirtha.
After completing above shraddha three pind of wheat flour are prepared a presented to the soul. If he get hungry the way, that's why this shraddha is call as Pathey shraddha. After this all the pina are worshiped and this whole process presented to God. This total process named as 'Sakam Narayan bali Palash Vidhi Yukta'. This process is called as 'Sakam Narayanbali' in Nirnay Sindhu. By doing this pretshuddhi and by Palash Vidhi peace to the soul can be issued. This also leads get an issue to the couple.
When we complete Narayan bali then Nagbali is to be started. Narayan and Nagbali are separate from each other. But to get an issue these both are performed jointly. 'Shaunak Rishi' has stated this, if someone is having only Nag hatya, then only Nagbali is to be performed. The best suitable day is how selected has been already stated. If someone has involved in Nag hatya -in current or previous life then he is cursed and the effect is not getting issue. To get issue Nagbali is essential. This Nagbali is to be performed at Trimbakeshwar only. This has been clearly stated in ' Dalabhya Sanhita' Sesame, barley, wheat, rice is used create a Nag. This Nag is installed on red cloth. The couple who is performing the vidhi is to sit in the East direction. After performing the Netra-Aachman as per the direction of Guruji, a commitment to get right for this vidhi is done. The commitment is as below: - 'If I am involved in the killing snake in my current 6r past life anyone from a family is involved in the killing of snake then to get rid from the curse and also to get issue & to offer the soul of that snake I am performing Narayan-Nagbli. also I am requesting god to offer a way to peace to 8 types of snakes.'
After commitment request the soul of the snake who has been killed & now had entered in the snake statue & say that I am offering this vidhi, kindly bless me. After that snake is installed. By saying above said holy words, snake is worshiped. Then a heap of rice is kept on leaves of butea fontisa tree and a cotton flame is inflamed. This process is called as ' Balidan'. Worship that bali and say, 'some one from my family has been involved in killing of you, due to that problems has been coming in our life. We are kindly requesting you to forgive us, accept the bali, be satisfied & offer us your blessings for healthy life.'
With this pray offer flowers to the snake's statue and after that kept the bali outside the Dharmashala. The lady fro couple should walk up to the door. Dharmashala with her husband. When crow touch bali then return to Dharmashala and get the hands clean. Request the snake to get peace to his soul and offer him the religious merit of one revolution around Bramhagiri. After that assume snake died and cremate him. After that again •return to Dharmashala and offer eight No Of pind to the Snake, Sarpa, Ananta Shesha, Kapi, Kaliya, Shankhapala an Bhudhar. These are eight types of snake: After completing the pind dan, Guruji will ask that would you like the same Narayan Nagbali after some time? This is optional you can say Yes or No.After that salute Guruji and get blessings from him then, collect all the material that has been used in vidhi and also remaining material. This material presented to river Ganga. Keep period of mourning of a day. The couple who is performing the vidhi then goes to Kushavarta and gets bath. After that wear formal clothes and the clothes which are used while performing vidhi will keep for drying. After drying these are offered, to Guruji. This ends the second day vidhi. THIRD DAY :- At the third day the male should go to the place where snake has been cremated. The ashes of snake are to be collected A then offered to river Gnaga: The place is cleaned by thew feces of cow, milk, curd & then go to kushawarta & get bathe. This ends the period of mourning. After that go to Guruji,s home. Now there a golden statue of snake is to be worship & also Lord Ganpati pooja is to be performed. The golden statue of snake i to be offered to Guruji. After that go to lord Trimbakeshwar temple & blessing from him. Then as per your earning offer 'Dakshina' (Gift in form of money) 1 Guruji. As per rule 6th or 10th part of our earning should be offered. After this Pitru-karma a dev-karma i.e. Abhishek i must be offered to Lord. Trimbakeshwar This is separate pooja.If some one is financially sound then he should offer • 'Saubhagya Vayan Oan' by the hands of his wife, may be given at your home place also This completes the whole process is Narayan-Nagbali.
Material given by Guruji for the Vidhi of Narayan Nagbali
All the material required for vidhi will be provided by Guruji.
MATERIAL TO BROUGHT BY US for the Vidhi of Narayan Nagabali
Golden statue of Snake as per our earning (minimum of lgm), new clothes for both & Dakshina in form of money. This vidhi is of 3 days. So one has to reach Trimbak one day before the start of vidhi. Please inform your Guruji well in advance so that he will be able to collect the material required for vidhi.s
Narayana naga bali puja trimbakeshwar

Narayana Naga Bali Pooja Benefits


Narayana Naga Bali Pooja

Narayana Bali Pooja is the act of doing good for the soul, if anyone in the family has a short life (within 60 years) of sadgati (poisoning, hanging, arson, murder, etc.). Narayana bali is done to get rid of ancestral curse (Pitru dosh /Pitru Shaap. Narayana bali consists of the same ritual as Hindu funeral. An artificial body mostly made of wheat flour is used.