Regexr Desktop

Regular expressions are plain and simple an enormous headache – but man when you get them to work for you then they are the most powerful guns known to any string-manipulating madman out there.

Regex Tester is a tool to learn, build, & testRegular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp). Results update in real-timeas you type. Roll overa match or expression for details. Save& shareexpressions with others. Here is a complete analysis of this pattern: b matches a beginning word boundary. tT is a character class that matches either an lowercase t or an uppercase T. We can consider this the first. Then the pattern matches (or attempts to match) a lowercase h. The second or last subpattern is also. RegExr Desktop On my regex primer post, Robert DeBoer pointed out RegExr Desktop. It's an Adobe AIR application for writing, storing, and sharing regular expressions. Because it's written in for AIR it'll run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. RegExhibit RegExhibit is a Mac only program that's a little bit older. But, it's simple, slick, and it just.

Regexr DesktopRegexr desktop version

By now of course there are plenty of great tools to run and test and flex your regular expression muscle out there, floating around on the Net, but you can now safely add a new cat to the bag with the release of the platform independent RegExr, built on the Adobe Air platform using the wonder that is Flex 3.

Grant Skinner’s little gskinner group have slapped together a great little Adobe Air app that allows you to play around with regular expressions to your heart’s content, but at the same time provides you with some great sample data and tutorial information in order to increase your regex knowledge, as well as a nifty little community feature that allows you to save and share your regex recipes with other like-minded madmen out there.

Regexr Desktop Version

The RegExr is a great online tool. It lets you put in regular expressions and it shows you what matches in the input text. This is great, but on occasion, I had to work in an environment that did not have an Internet connection. I also had a few ideas on what else I would like for this to do, so I created this Windows desktop tool. As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion.

It’s a fantastic little desktop tool that runs equally well on Ubuntu, Windows or a Mac, and if you’re too lazy to download the desktop application, you can even run it straight from your browser at


To download/install the far more nifty Adobe Air app though, browse through to the mobile ready site at


Regex Offline Desktop


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