House Line In Palmistry

To see the lines on the palm of the children, sometimes, you need to look through a magnifying glass. Lines of children are very small, and in some people they are completely absent.

If the baby was not planned for the person as a burden when there is no parental love and affection, such people have a line of children are completely absent in his life, he may have a lot of children. And if the child for the parents joy, such people can see a line of children on the line of life and on the hill of Mercury.

The long-awaited first-born can be seen on the line of life. This little dashes, which are connected with a line of life. In palmistry have a rule, if a small line that goes from top to bottom, and are connected with the main line - a line of joy (positive events). It is known that for parents, especially for women, the birth of a child is a great joy.

House Line In Palmistry

When the line departs down a little from the main line - a line of sadness (negative events).

Too many lines on palm, more lines on palm, lines intersects each other, many crisscrosses indicates more worries and more tension. Subject could be suffering from indigestion and hypertension. Also Read - Indications Of Money Loss On Hand Palmistry Posted in Indian Palmistry / No comments.

  • Most palmistry readings start with the hand that you use the most, that is, the dominant hand.
  • There are some mounts and lines in the palm which make any one fortunate in financial matters. They rise a person to wealth even if he is born in poverty. The mounts Sun, Venus and Jupiter should be good in your palm.
  • The Fame Line indicates wealth, reputation in society and talent and runs parallel along the fate line. It is very rare for the palmist to see this line on a native’s palm. In case you wish to know more about your marital life and bliss, Marriage Lines are there to reveal it all. These are short in length and present horizontally underneath the little finger on the side.

Line joy also present on the lines of the heart. In palmistry heart line is the same, that the line of the soul. This means that a small line speaks of spiritual joy.

Head Line Palmistry

1 Joy is not connected with the family.
2 Joy in the family.
3 Challenges for the family.
4 Problems in family.
5 Pain and depression.
6 Joy related physical things.
7 Spiritual joy

Many books on palmistry says that on the hill of Mercury can be seen the number of children. In fact this is not true.

House Line In Palmistry

Even the most experienced palmist can not tell you the number of children. Line on the hand is the power card on which a person moves and only he has the ability to create and change your life.

A person may have many children, and only the top line on the wrist, you can find out whether he is allowed nature to have children.


If the top line on the wrist is tilted toward the palm, it indicates infertility or difficult childbirth.

So nature is created, the first child of the family from the rest stronger. Firstborn, put the main role - to continue to grow, continue their family and keep the family's honor. Therefore, in most cases, the first children in the family leave of the house, and the youngest looked after the house and their parents - is the purpose of the youngest child in the family.

If the first-born is unable to cope with their obligations, the torch goes through the youngest child of the family.

Vertical small line, which is connected with the line of love (affection) is who will be the first. If the line is long - it's a boy. When a short line - it's a girl.

This arrangement of the lines indicates the twins.

Those who have children out of wedlock, or on the side, on the hand denotes a semi-circle with a line.

Now we answer the question - if there is no line of children on hand. No need become disappointed if there is no line of children on the hand maybe you have a line very small and without a magnifying glass you cannot see them. I want to note that Palmistry is a science of the spiritual condition of the person, and if you do not see the children's lines, then your subconscious mind is not ready to give birth and raise children. According to the Palmistry, human thoughts are transmitted on hand in the form of lines, so when you're ready to have a child on a spiritual level, or after you have given birth, you before birth certainly appear a line of children on hand. Only those who strongly want to have children has a clear line on the hand.

I want to draw attention
Many couples think - first get married, then earn money and only in the last instance give birth to children. Such couples are becoming without children, the reason is the karmic ban, and that is, on a subconscious level they are your own forbidden to have children.

Therefore, child necessary give birth to first of all.

Each line and symbol or sign in your palm is important in its own way. Wherever these signs are situated in your palm, you receive auspicious or inauspicious results accordingly. There are different types of signs which have been discussed below :


A triangle in a person’s pal indicates one of his special talents. A person who has this sign in his palm definitely has some special talent. When this sign is visible in your palm, you may receive fame, respect and success. The field in which you acquire all these will depend on the position of this sign in your palm. You will receive benefits from the field to which this sign is related. If it is situated on your fortune line, you may be very fortunate in the near future.


If you have a trident on your palm, it will protect you from coming problems in the near future. It will keep you safe and protected. If it is situated on the fortune line, it will make sure that your fortune is not affected by these problems. If you have this symbol on your palm, you have a magnetic personality which attracts others. If it is on Buddha Parvat in your palm, you will have excellent communication skills.


If these is a symbol of a star on your palm, you have unusual abilities and skills. You will be able to use your skills and abilities in a field related to the position of the star on your palm. If the star is situated on Guru Parvat, you become successful in religious works.


If there is a symbol of diamond on your palm, you are interested in exploring new subjects. You try to gather information about new subjects. If this symbol is present in your palm, you have the ability to perform all kinds of tasks. It helps you become successful in life.


A person who has this symbol on his palm is able to predict future incidents because of his intuition. He has immense knowledge within himself. A person is able to predict future incidents related to the field in which this symbol is situated on his palm.


This symbol helps a person overcome obstacles and face challenges. This symbol keeps a person safe and protected. It protects a person in spiritual, materialistic and all kinds of other areas.


This symbol is considered to be inauspicious. It provides mental stress and tensions to a person. Such a person may be stressed all the time. However, he may be very patient. He may be very aggressive in life.

Palmistry Lines And Meaning

Mystic Cross

If this symbol is present on your palm, you will be inclined towards spirituality and religion. You will have strong faith and beliefs in religion. You will also have knowledge about spiritual powers. These powers will influence you in many ways. You will use these powers for the welfare of mankind.


Palmistry Life Line

This symbol is considered to be auspicious. It is linked to spirituality and religion. A person is positive about a field with which this symbol is related to on his palm. Such a person may be inspirational for others. His insight improves significantly.

Own House Line In Palmistry


Own House Line In Palmistry In Hindi

If this symbol is present on your palm, you will have the ability to face all kinds of challenges. You will be to face those challenges with which this symbol is related to on your palm. You will also be able to overcome all these challenges and achieve success.

Palmistry Lines Death


Palmistry Lines Marriage

This symbol is considered to be auspicious. If this symbol is present on your palm, you have the ability to form a great team. This ability will help you achieve success in life.